WEB-GEAR Homepage - http://www.petsontour.ag.vu/ - Wales Oct. 2008

Wales -  October 2008




Peter and the girls all ready to take  the sugarloaf by storm.


Lake by the fishfarm at Fen y fach.



The hills surrounding Fen y fach.




This read earth is very flattering for the complexion.


The weeny building at the far end of the lake belongs to the fish farm.




Fen y fach




Clouds competing with mountains



Does this sheep want a lift?




Hay Bluff near Hay on Wye




The Hay Bluff valley



The Knob seen from atop Hay Bluff



Another beautiful view towards the valley.


There was quite a gale blowing up here.



The valley between Hay Bluff and the Knob.

The silvery snake is actually a road.



Same scerery from lower down



On top of Hay Bluff




A look into the valley

and I can assure you - the real thing looks just out of this world! 



What goes up must come down.



A lovely solitare tree




There is no uniform colour code for sheep

It's very much: You are as you are.


The same goes for pigs.










Patchwork fields



"Boooring! Why do we always have to stop and pose?" 





This was supposed to be a wild pony,

but it was quite happy to pose for a picture.



Talgarth lake



Another pretty wild pony foal.





These "wild" ponies were just short of rummaging in our pockets.





At least the mane is wild.



Fauna still life







Peep into a rainy valley



Annother still life



A tree afflicted by a sucker



The mossy snake tree



The harp tree





































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