WEB-GEAR Homepage - http://www.petsontour.ag.vu/ - Guestbook

Neuen Eintrag schreiben

Ihr Name:

Ihre E-Mail Adresse:


Ihre Nachricht:


Bitte tippen Sie nebenstehenden Code aus dem Bild ab:

Sollten Sie den Code nicht lesen können, laden Sie diese Seite bitte nocheinmal.

Little German course von Susann Wheadon, 06.03.2008, 17:48 Uhr:


I can see in my html statistic that a lot of people visit the guestbook on this website.
Of course I would be very happy if you also left a message. Unfortunately I cannot alter the language within this guestbook, since the provider of the website service is German and the "frame" of this guestbook comes as a finished product. I hope though, the following will make it easier to leave a message.

The first little frame preceded by "Ihr Name" is for entering your name. The text will sort of stream through.
The frame on the left is for your e-mail address.
"Überschrift" stands for heading.
"Ihre Nachricht": Your message.
Remains to copy the code into the frame on the right. Should you be unable to read the code, please download the page once more.
After entering the code, plese scroll down and press "Entrag abschicken" = Send entry.
It's really quite easy.

I'm lLooking forward to your messages!
Best wishes

Am 06.03.2008, 18:01 wurde folgende Antwort verfasst:

I forgot to mention, that as soon as you have pressed "Eintrag abschicken" a message will appear telling you in German that your entry will be put on on the website as soon as it has been acknowledged by me.
I will of course acknowledge your message the moment I see that there is an entry waiting.

Best wishes

Hi Sasi, hier ist Lile von Claudia Wehleit, 12.01.2008, 19:32 Uhr:

Die Bilder sind zauberhaft, wunderschön- Urlaub für die Augen.
Herrlich Lisa und Pandra am Strand.
Liebe Grüße Deine Lile

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